
What is a Constancia de Situación Fiscal in Mexico?

It is a document issued by the Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) from Mexico and is issued both to Individuals and Businesses. The format includes identity and tax information from the taxpayer, such as RFC, addresses, economic activities, and fiscal responsibilities, among others.

The Constancia de Situación Fiscal is a private document; therefore, you will have to ask your customer to provide it at some point in your onboarding process. Once you have the document, you can upload it to the Trébol API to speed up your onboarding process. Then, we will extract the business data from the document. When we complete our process, we will notify you through a webhook.

Here is an example of how you can include a Constancia de Situación Fiscal as a new Verification payload:

	"country": "mx",
	"items": [
			"type": "csf_mx",
			"options": {
				"constanciaType": "individual",
				"fileUrl": "youPresigned.url/individualCSF"
			"type": "csf_mx",
			"options": {
				"constanciaType": "business",
				"fileUrl": "youPresigned.url/businessCSF"
	"metadata": {
		"any": "metadata you want to attach to the verification"
	"tag": "some identifier you want to send"

Usually, a Verification Request will include at least two Constancias de Situación Fiscal. One from the Business and another one from the signatory that is representing the Business.

To get the data of a Constancia de Situación Fiscal, you can use the Retrieve Verification Endpoint, inside the items array.

How does Trébol reports data from an Constancia de Situación Fiscal?

As with any item inside the API, the Constancia de Situación Fiscal is an object that is part of the Verification Object.

The Constancia de Situación Fiscal Item Object


business_activities_description_1 : string

Description of the first business activity. Refers to the field "Actividad Económica".
Example: Otros servicios de telecomunicaciones.

city_fiscal_address_business : string

City where the business has its legal adress. Refers to the field "Nombre del Municipio o Demarcación Territorial".
Example: MERIDA

company_legal_name : string

Legal name of the Business. Applies if constancia_type is "business". Refers to the field "Denominación/Razón Social".
Example: ACME.

constancia_type : string

Defines if the Constancia is from an individual (Persona Física) or a business (Personal Moral).
Example: business

district_fiscal_address_business : string

District of the business fiscal address. Refers to the field "Nombre de la Localidad".
Example: CHOLUL.

email_fiscal : string

Registered fiscal email. Refers to the field "Correo Electrónico".
Example: [email protected]

external_number_fiscal_address_business : string

External number of the street of the fiscal address. Refers to the field "Número exterior".
Example: 200.

fiscal_address_business : string

Address of the business. Refers to the field "Nombre de Vialidad".

internal_number_fiscal_address_business : string

Internal number of the street of the fiscal address. Refers to the field "Número interior".
Example: LOCAL 101.

land_line_code_fiscal : string

Code of the phone number registered. Refers to the field "Tel. Fijo Lada".
Example: 1

land_line_fiscal : string

Phone number registered. Refers to the field "Número".
Example: 8765432

neighborhood_fiscal_address_business : string

Neighborhood of the business fiscal address. Refers to the field "Nombre de la Colonia".
Example: LA LOMA.

person_curp : string

CURP of the individual.
Example: CURP123456

person_last_name_1 : string

First last name of the individual.
Example: SANCHEZ.

person_last_name_2 : string

Second last name of the individual.

person_name : string

Name of the individual.
Example: HUGO

person_rfc : string

Value of the Registro Federal de Contribuyentes of the indivitual.
Example: SAHU580711AA1

post_code_fiscal_address_business : string

Postal code of the business fiscal address. Refers to the field "Código Postal".
Example: 44410.

registration_date : string

Date of the last change on the tax authority registry. Refers to the field "Fecha de último cambio de estado". Format yyyy/mm/dd.
Example: 2012/12/12

registration_status: string

Registration status of the company. Refers to the field "Estatus en el padrón".
Example: ACTIVO

society_type : string

Type of the society. Refers to the field "Régimen Capital".

state_fiscal_address_business : string

State of the business fiscal address. Refers to the field "Nombre de la Localidad".
Example: YUCATAN.

street_name_fiscal_address_business : string

Street of the business fiscal address. Refers to the field "Nombre de la Localidad".

street_type_fiscal_address_business : string

Street type of the business fiscal address. Refers to the field "Nombre de la Localidad".
Example: CALLE.

tax_id_number: string

RFC found on the Constancia. Refers to the field "RFC".
Example: ABCD910528AB1.