
What is and how Trébol reports an Acta Constitutiva, an Acta de Asamblea, and a Power Document

Some context about Mexico

What is an Acta Constitutiva in Mexico?

It is a mandatory document to register a business in Mexico. It contains the primary data regarding the creation of a business, including legal name, duration, capital, signatories, and initial shareholders, among many others.

The Acta Costitutiva is a private document; therefore, you will have to ask your customer to provide it at some point in your onboarding process. Once you have the file, you can upload it to the Trébol API to speed up your onboarding process. Then, we will extract the business data from the file you sent us. We will notify you through a webhook when the data extraction ends.

What is an Acta de Asamblea in Mexico?

This is a private document that any business creates and registers on a notary each time there is a change in the information of the business. Shareholders decide to make changes to a company during a shareholder meeting and record the changes in an Acta de Asamblea document. In some cases, a business may not have any Acta de Asamblea.

Some of the most common changes that can be found in an Acta de Asamblea are:

  • Company identity information: Legal name, society type, domicile, etc.
  • Shareholders: a change in who owns shares of the company.
  • Signatories: a signatory is added (or removed) and (or) their powers have changed).

Similar to the Acta Constitutiva, the Acta de Asamblea is a private document and therefore we require you to provide us with the file at the moment of the Business Verification.

What is a Power document?

Sometimes, a Business will add or remove powers to a signatory through a private document that does not require a new shareholder meeting. Whenever this happens, the business will create a Power document in which it states the addition or removal of signatories and their powers. In some cases, a business may not have any Powers Documents.

In case you require that Trébol process a Power document, please, send the file through the verification POST.

How to include Actas and Powers in a Verification

Trébol processes in a similar way any of the three previously described documents. We group all three in an Item type "ac_mx". This way, you will not have to manually validate which type of document your client sent you. Once we extract the data, we will report the document type on the item data.

Here is an example of how you can include these documents in the new Verification payload.

	"country": "mx",
	"items": [
			"type": "ac_mx", // Item type for an Acta Constitutiva
			"options": {
				"fileUrl": "youPresigned.url/withThePrivateDocument"
	"metadata": {
		"any": "metadata you want to attach to the verification"
	"tag": "some identifier you want to send"

How to GET the extracted data?

To get the data of an Acta Constitutiva, Acta de Asamblea and Powers documents, you can use the Retrieve Verification Endpoint.

How does Trébol reports data from these documents?

As with any item inside the API, the Acta is an object that is part of the Verification Object.

The Acta Object


acta_number : string

Number of the document assigned by the Notary.
Example: 1584

acta_date : string

Date that the Acta was presented to the notary. Formatted yyyy-mm-dd.
Example: 2020-04-24

acta_city : string

City where the company was registered. The city of the notary.
Example: Guadalajara.

acta_state : string

State where the company was registered. The state of the notary.
Example: Jalisco.

notary_name : string

Name of the notary named on the Acta where the company was registered.

notary_number : string

Number of the notary where the company was registered.
Example: 43.

business_city_address : string

City where the company has its domicile.
Example: Ciudad de Mexico.

business_name : string

Legal name of the Business.
Example: ACME

business_name_event : string

Declares if there is any event regarding the business_name on the given document. Possible values:

  • registration: the document is an Acta Constitutiva and the business name is being registered.
  • no_change: the document is an Acta de Asamblea or Power but no change to the business name is mentioned on the document.
  • change: the document is an Acta de Asamblea or Power and a change to the business name is mentioned on the document.

Example: ACME

business_type : string

Type of society. It can take any of these values.

business_type_event : string

Declares if there is any event regarding the business_type_name on the given document. Possible values:

  • registration: the document is an Acta Constitutiva and the business type is being registered.
  • no_change: the document is an Acta de Asamblea or Power but no change to the business type is mentioned on the document.
  • change: the document is an Acta de Asamblea or Power and a change to the business type is mentioned on the document.

business_tax_id : string

RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) of the Business.
Example: ACM123456A12

business_tax_id_event : string

Declares if there is any event regarding the business_tax_id on the given document. Possible values:

  • no_change: the document is an Acta de Asamblea or Power but no change to the tax id is mentioned on the document.
  • change: the document is an Acta de Asamblea or Power and a change to the tax id is mentioned on the document.

business_duration : string

Reported duration of the Business. Reported in years or indefinida.
Example: indefinida

folio_date : string

Date of the Folio Mercantil Electrónico. Formatted yyyy-mm-dd.
Example: 2020-05-05

folio_number : string

Number assigned on the Folio Mercantil Electrónico.
Example: N-2020012345

folio_acta_number : string

Number of the document that was registered on the Registro Público. Should be the same as the acta_number. If different, the client probably sent the wrong documents.
Example: 1584

folio_business_name : string

Name of the business that appears on the Folio Mercantil.
Example: ACME SA de CV

capital_fixed_value : double

Value of the total fixed capital.
Example: 50000

capital_fixed_shares : integer

Number of fixed capital shares.
Example: 10

capital_fixed_value_per_share : double

Value per share of the fixed capital.
Example: 5000

capital_variable_value : double

Value of the total variable capital.
Example: 0

capital_variable_shares : integer

Number of variable capital shares.
Example: 0

capital_variable_value_per_share : double

Value per share of the variable capital.
Example: 0

capital_total_value : double

Value of the total capital.
Example: 50000

capital_total_shares : integer

Number of total capital shares.
Example: 10

shareholders : array of Shareholder Object

An array of the shareholders mentioned on the document.

In case the document is an Acta Constitutiva we will report the shareholders that provided the initial capital to create the Business.

In case the document is an Acta de Asamblea we will report the first of:

  • If there is a change in the shareholders stated on the document, the final cap table of the company after the change was approved.
  • If there is no change in the shareholders stated on the document or the final cap table of the company after the change was approved, the cap table mentioned at the beginning of the Acta de Asamblea mentions the current shareholders.
  • If none of the previous information is available, an empty array.

Each Shareholder Object contains:

Key nameTypeDescriptionExample Value
namestringName and last name of the shareholder.
typestringType of shareholder. It can take the values Perona or Empresa.person
id_numberstringValue of the legal ID of the Shareholder.RFC123456A123
id_typestringType of the legal ID of the Shareholder. It depends on the country and document the shareholder used on the registration document. Some examples are: RFC, PASSPORT, CC, CE.RFC
nationalitystringCountry the Shareholder declared to be national of on the registration document.MEXICO
fixed_valuedoubleValue of the fixed capital owned by the shareholder.25000
fixed_sharesintegerNumber of fixed capital shares owned by the shareholder.5
variable_valuedoubleValue of the variable capital owned by the shareholder.0
variable_sharesintegerNumber of variable capital shares owned by the shareholder.0
total_valuedoubleValue of the total capital - fixed and variable - owned by the shareholder.25000
total_sharesintegerTotal number of shares - fixed and variable - owned by the shareholder.5
currencystringThree-letter ISO currency of the shareholder shares.MXN

signatories : array of Signatories Object

An array of the signatories mentioned on the document. Each Signatory Object contains:

Key nameTypeDescriptionExample Value
namestringName and last name of the signatory.JULIETA VENEGAS
typestringType of signatory. It can take the values person or business.person
id_numberstringValue of the legal ID of the Shareholder.RFC654321A03
id_typestringType of the legal ID of the Signatory. It depends on the country and document the shareholder used on the registration document. Some examples are: RFC, PASSPORT, CC, CE.RFC
power_creditsstringIndicates whether a Signatory has the power to sign credits. It can be VERDADERO, FALSO, VERDADERO CONJUNTO, VERDADERO LIMITEhas_power
signatory_credit_powers_limitstringIf there's a limit to the signatory's powers, then Trébol reports the text of the Acta Constitutiva where the limit is defined.
signatory_rolestringRole of the signatory. Some examples are: "PRESIDENTE", "SECRETARIO", "ADMINISTRADOR UNICO", "APODERADO".
signatory_eventstringEvent reggarding an addition or removal of the signatory. Posbile values are: "addition" and "removal"

signatories_naming_text : string

Text extract from the Acta Constitutiva where signatories are named.

  "id": 1234,
  "item_status": "complete",
  "item_type": "ac_mx",
  "item_value": {
    "acta_number": "actanumbe123",
    "acta_date": "2022-08-23",
    "acta_city": "CIUDAD DE MEXICO",
    "acta_state": "CIUDAD DE MEXICO",
    "notary_number": "43",
    "business_city_address": "CIUDAD DE MEXICO",
    "business_name": "ACME",
    "business_name_event": "registration",
    "business_type_event": "registration",
    "business_tax_id": "ACM123456A12",
    "business_tax_id_event": "registration",
    "business_duration": "indefinida",
    "folio_date": "2020-05-05",
    "folio_number": "N-2020012345",
    "folio_acta_number": "actanumbe123",
    "folio_business_name": "ACME SA DE CV",
    "capital_fixed_value": 50000,
    "capital_fixed_shares": 10,
    "capital_fixed_value_per_share": 5000,
    "capital_variable_value": 0,
    "capital_variable_shares": 0,
    "capital_variable_value_per_share": 0,
    "capital_total_value": 50000,
    "capital_total_shares": 10,
    "shareholders": [
        "name": "John Doe",
        "type": "person",
        "id_number": "RFC1234",
        "id_type": "RFC",
        "nationality": "MEXICANO",
        "fixed_value": 50000,
        "fixed_shares": 10,
        "variable_value": 0,
        "variable_shares": 0,
        "total_value": 50000,
        "total_shares": 10,
        "currency": "MXN"
    "signatories": [
        "name": "John Doe",
        "type": "Persona",
        "id_number": "RFC1234",
        "id_type": "RFC",
        "power_credits": "VERDADERO",
        "signatory_credit_powers_limit": null,
        "signatory_role": "ADMINISTRADOR UNICO",
        "signatory_event": "addition"