
Currently, we are live in Colombia and Mexico. We are working hard to help you verify businesses in all Latin America. If you are interested in one particular country, please contact us.

Country Codes

This are the codes used on our API for each country:


Verification Item Types

Depending on the Country, there are different items you can verify on each Business Verification. An item can be web pages, private documents, official documents, etc.


Item Options

When you create a Verification, you can also set some additional options for each type of item. These options are configuration additional values that are needed to process each item. To know more about these options see


Description: certificate issued by the official Commerce Chamber where the Business is registered.
buy: boolean
True if Trébol buys the certificate. False in case you prefer to buy it yourself and send it to Trébol.
Default value: True

max_days: integer
Maximum days since current date to the date the document was created.
Default value: 90

Description: certificate issued by the official Tax Authority.

Description: "Acta Constitutiva" document of a Business.
file_url: string
URL where you host the PDF document. Make sure to give access to Trébol to the URL. Currently, we support presigned URLs from AWS and GCP.

If empty, Trébol will create an S3 presigned URL for you to upload the document.

Description: "Acta de Asamblea" document of a Business.
file_url: string
URL where you host the PDF document. Make sure to give access to Trébol to the URL. Currently, we support presigned URLs from AWS and GCP.

If empty, Trébol will create an S3 presigned URL for you to upload the document.

Description: "Constancia de Situación Fiscal" document of a Business.
file_url: string
URL where you host the PDF document. Make sure to give access to Trébol to the URL. Currently, we support presigned URLs from AWS and GCP.

If empty, Trébol will create an S3 presigned URL for you to upload the document.